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Elevate your internship program with Relocity: Convert interns to new hires

Why Relocity for Interns is the key to budget-friendly relocation support, intern engagement, and data insights

The Gen Z shift: Embrace the future

In today's dynamic job market, Generation Z, the tech-savvy cohort aged under 28, is injecting fresh perspectives and skills. They're eager to embark on their career journey, often through internships.

Employers recognize the importance of internships in nurturing the next wave of leaders, especially in the competitive talent landscape. To secure top intern talent, companies need internship programs that not only cultivate talent but also transform interns into future leaders poised for growth.

But, here's the catch: retaining interns is key to this transformation. Gen Z interns in 2023 have specific expectations – they crave flexibility, alignment with company values, growth opportunities, feedback-driven environments, in-person work settings, and networking opportunities. These factors create a rewarding internship experience for this generation.

The internship experience is a launchpad for conversion. This underscores the importance of robust intern engagement. Solutions like Relocity are your bridge to meeting interns' objectives, including managing their relocations for in-person work experiences. In 2023, 59% of Gen Zers are open to or positive about in-person work, a 33% increase from 2022, highlighting the significance of human connections and coworker relationships for this generation.

Yet, top interns often lack knowledge about relocation processes. Employers who offer relocation assistance, maintain regular communication, and foster early connections among interns significantly increase the chances of retaining interns and turning them into full-time hires. Relocity is here to deliver on these objectives, and help you lower your overall costs.

Digital transformation of internship programs

Employers are seeking new technology solutions to streamline complex global mobility processes, support mobile talent, and harness data for informed decisions. In this landscape, Relocity shines as a leader in supporting both interns and employers, addressing the pivotal challenges of intern program relocation and engagement through our Interns solutions.

Relocity Guide for Interns: Efficient, cost-effective lump sum relocations

Relocity Guide for Interns redefines intern relocation support with our cutting-edge, AI-driven mobile app. It's your ticket to a personalized, cost-efficient relocation experience available across the United States and select international locations. With our focus on financial prudence, risk mitigation, and a positive mobile employee experience, Relocity Guide is your ultimate solution for managing lump sum relocation packages for interns.

Relocity Concierge for Interns: Elevating destination services

Relocity Concierge for Interns takes intern relocation to the next level with our host-led  destination services and rental assistance for international or VIP interns. Leveraging our native mobile app, it offers direct communication and guidance from our expert personal hosts. Our hosts are matched with interns based on demographics, interests, and backgrounds, ensuring a rich and personalized relocation experience for each intern. Our hosts go the extra mile to help interns find affordable housing in the right neighborhood and calm any fears along the way.

Let’s explore how these solutions address key relocation challenges for interns.

Mastering three critical intern relocation challenges

1. Lower operating costs and provide a great relocation experience

Relocity empowers you to cut costs while providing top-notch intern relocation assistance.

Flexible pricing

Our flexible pricing structures of Relocity Guide and Concierge for Interns enable you to save on relocation assistance and tailor your investment to your specific needs. 

Relocity delivers Guide for Interns via our low-cost SaaS-based pricing that delivers improved duty of care and relocation discounts, which help interns stretch their lump sums further. With hourly destination services billing for Relocity Concierge, you pay only for completed hours, not pre-set full or half-day packages, aligning costs closely with the true relocation journey.

Our approach gives interns the exact services they need when they need it for typically for a lower cost than traditional destination services providers (DSPs).

Modern technology for cost optimization and improved experience

Modern technology is our ally in cost optimization and improved user experience. Digital platforms centralize data, automate workflows, and enhance communication and collaboration among stakeholders. 

Relocity leads the charge in mobility technology innovation, connecting interns to relocation resources, streamlining processes with AI, and reducing onboarding time and temporary housing stays. We eliminate troubleshooting with milestone tracking, saving both mobility professionals and interns time, frustration, and costs.

Mobility leaders can also optimize relocation costs for interns with budgeting tips and tools for identifying cost-saving opportunities. Our mobile app also greatly enhances the transferee experience through personalized communication, AI-driven recommendations, and improved support, resulting in smoother and more efficient internships.

High-value/low-cost relocation assistance

Relocity Guide and Relocity Concierge offer innovative, cost-effective relocation solutions that benefit interns and global mobility leaders by saving money and more.

Relocity Guide for Interns uses machine learning within our user-friendly app to provide tailored housing recommendations. Its in-app marketplace stretches lump sum stipends with furniture discounts and waived apartment application fees in safe neighborhoods, promoting financial prudence and Duty of Care.

Relocity Concierge assigns a dedicated personal host, reducing the need for costly full-service packages. Using tech-driven efficiency, it minimizes administrative costs, saving time and resources. By combining data and AI, Concierge enhances decision-making and cost-effectiveness.

In summary, Relocity Guide and Relocity Concierge help interns with mobile-first solutions to settle efficiently and affordably. They optimize costs while prioritizing employee experience and financial prudence for mobility teams. These solutions represent a forward-looking approach to intern relocation, merging personalization, technology, and cost-efficiency to benefit both interns and global mobility leaders.

2. Engage interns to retain them

Gen Z disengagement is a hurdle faced by many intern program managers. Research by Gallup in 2022 found that 54% of Gen Z employees are “not engaged” at work. Today’s interns crave connection with their cohort and with senior managers. A Fortune article notes, “Gen Z workers…don’t just want visible leaders.…Gen Zers want to see their own values reflected in their leaders.” Corporate values can even make or break a Gen Zer’s willingness to sign an employment offer. In fact, 54% of Gen Zers would turn down a firm that doesn’t share their values.

Relocity Guide and Concierge for Interns are your allies in engaging Gen Z interns. Our intern solutions allow tech-savvy Gen Zers to immerse themselves in your corporate culture and engage with branded messages such as leadership interviews and past interns’ insights. Remind interns about corporate events, highlight your mission, vision, and values, showcase your leaders, and gather their feedback — all in your branded color palette.

In Relocity Guide, interns can make lasting connections with their peers and join conversations all within our app. Our Community’s activity feed allows interns to connect on trending topics, while our in-app chat feature enables them to join conversations and seek advice from peers. These tools encourage networking, keep interns engaged and connected to your brand, and even help them find potential commuting partners or even roommates. 

Relocity Concierge for Interns users benefit from access to a dedicated personal host, who helps them transition from their home to an unfamiliar country or city with specialized services and personalized guidance. Our hosts help interns making international moves to transition smoothly through securing housing in a safe neighborhood to ensuring that they have a banking account set up and other essential services.

Ultimately, intern engagement is a crucial element to master. With Relocity, we enable you to foster a supportive community that enhances interns’ overall experience.

3. Access data insights to make informed decisions

For mobility leaders, access to data insights is essential for effective program management. Yet, accessing up-to-date mobility data is sometimes hard to come by, making budgeting for intern relocation and understanding what’s important to these populations much more difficult. 

Relocity allows employers to drill into the specific milestones each intern has completed. For instance, a mobility team can track milestone completions throughout the relocation process across their intern population to ensure that all interns have housing prior to arrival. With Relocity for Interns, you’ll never find out the day before a start date that an intern doesn’t have housing.

By giving employers visibility into the actions of relocating interns, Relocity for Interns:

• Saves mobility teams time on last-minute troubleshooting.
• Helps mobility teams provide more realistic relocation budgets. 
• Sheds light on what interns need to quickly and effectively settle in.
• Promotes proactive communication and responses to issues.
• Facilitates data-driven decisions about the relocation program as a whole.

This invaluable data empowers mobility teams to make proactive decisions. No more last-minute troubleshooting – with Relocity, you'll always be one step ahead.

Unleash the Power of Relocity for Interns

With Relocity Guide or Concierge for Interns, you hold the key to building engaging, competitive internship programs while conquering challenges like budget constraints, intern disengagement, and data gaps. Harness the power of Relocity Guide for Interns’ lump sum management for a personalized, flexible, and AI-driven relocation experience available across the United States and select international locations. And for those relocating international or VIP interns, trust Relocity Concierge for Interns to provide expert guidance and support through our host-led destination services and rental assistance.

Your journey to mastering the top corporate intern program challenges is within reach. Book a demo of Relocity for Interns today and witness the future of intern program management. Let us help you engage interns, lower operating costs, and access crucial data insights – all while ensuring your interns and your bottom line thrive.


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